
Follow the steps on this page to submit a new 申请证明 to the 退伍军人资源中心 (VRC) through the Veterans Benefits Module (VBM) within GET.

Note: If there is a change in your enrollment status, including adding or withdrawing from a course, 请参阅 更新认证请求.

登入GET 并选择学生中心:

Screenshot highlighting link to Student Center.

Click on the drop-down and select Veterans Benefit:

在线表单 with a circle around a drop-down menu, Veterans Benefit is highlighted

Click ">>" button to advance to next page:

Screenshot of online form, circle around a button with two arrows.


Review information on the page and click "Certification Request":

在线表单, circle around Certification Request button at the bottom of the form

Click the "Term" drop-down and select the semester/term you want to certify for VA benefits:

在线表单, circle around Term drop-down menu at the top of the form.

Enter the following benefit information for the selected term/semester:

  1.  退伍军人服务处: Select your branch of service.
  • For children/spouses of service members or veterans, select their branch of service.
  1. 退伍军人教育福利: Select the VA education benefit from the dropdown.
  • If you are using a Chapter Benefit and the Cal Vet Fee Waiver, please select the chapter benefit instead of the fee waiver for this system
  1. 与老兵的关系: Select your relationship to the veteran from the dropdown.
  2. 选择所有适用的: If you are still serving in the military, please click the type of service. If you are a veteran or a child/spouse, do not check any boxes.
  3. 问题/说明: This optional section can be used to enter any questions or specific instructions that you would like the VRC staff to review regarding this certification request.
在线表单, 退伍军人服务处, 退伍军人教育福利, 与老兵的关系, 选择所有适用的 and Questions/Instructions are numbered 1-5.

Dependents Educational Assistance (Chapter 35)

学生 who are only using Dependents Educational Assistance Chapter 35, please include your VA File Number on this page.

Your VA file number is typically the veteran's Social Security Number followed by a pay code. This pay code can be found after the last four digits on your Chapter 35 eligibility letter you received from the VA. If you need to find your VA file number, please call 888-442-4551.

在线表单, circle around "Chapter 35 File Number"

Click the "Initiate Request" button:

在线表单 with a circle around Initiate Request button

Click OK and continue to STEP 7 or add documents if applicable:

Screenshot of message, circle around OK button

Note: This does not complete your request

After you initiate the request, you will be able to add documents. If you would like to attach a document:

1: Click "Attachments" on the Veterans Educational Benefits Certification Request page.

在线表单,circle around attachments button at the bottom right

2: Click "File Type" drop-down and select a file type.

在线表单, circle around File Type drop down box

3: Click "Add Attachment" button.

Online forum, circle around add attachment button


     A. Click "Choose File" and select the file from your computer.

     B. 点击“上传."

在线表单, label A highlights Choose File button and B highlights Upload button

5. 单击“OK."

Screenshot of message with OK button

Upload additional documents using steps 1 through 5 or Click the "Return" button to go back to the certification request.

在线表单 return button highlighted at the bottom

1. Click "Select Classes to Certify" at the bottom of the page.

在线表单, circle around button at the bottom of page

2. 勾选合适的类

A. Check the acknowledgment box in the "Read and Acknowledge" Section.

B. Click the box on the left next to each class you want to certify under your VA education benefits.

  • Note for wait-list courses: The system will allow you to select wait-listed courses, but we will not be able to certify those courses until you are officially enrolled. Once officially enrolled, please submit an updated certification request through this system.

C. Click the "Submit Request" button at the bottom center of the page.

在线表单, the letter A highlights read and acknowledge section, B highlights check boxes next to classes and C highlights Submit request button.


Screenshot of pop-up indicating request was successfully submitted and a "OK" button

This completes your certification request. No further action is required unless you make changes to your schedule/courses after this submission.